Statement on Corporate Confidentiality
Speakers and attendees are encouraged and expected to actively participate in discussions at HSMAI conferences while at all times respecting the proprietary information and strategy of their companies and other participating firms.
Antitrust Guidelines
Certain topics are not proper subjects for discussion and consideration at any HSMAI meeting or gathering of members. While it is entirely appropriate to meet as an association to discuss common programs and areas of interest, participants must keep in mind that they may compete with each other to provide lodging or related services. Any agreement or collective action to eliminate, restrict, or govern competition among members may violate the antitrust laws. Agreements may be implied from direct or indirect communications. Participants, therefore, must not engage in discussions, whether formal or informal, of any subjects relating to pricing or capacity or which otherwise may be deemed in violation of applicable federal antitrust laws and state anti-competitive practices statutes.
More specifically, participants at HSMAI events may not:
- Discuss current or future prices (including room rates and surcharges) for lodging or other services provided by you or any other participant.
- Discuss raising or lowering prices for lodging or other services provided by you or any other participant.
- Discuss other key business terms associated with delivery of lodging or other services provided by you or any other participant.
- Discuss costs (including commissions and discounts) of goods and services associated with delivering lodging or other services, including costs of services provided by on-line or other travel agents.
- Discuss profit levels or margins for lodging or other services provided by you or any other participant.
- Discuss allocating markets or customers for lodging or other services provided by you or any other participant.
- Discuss confidential or business-sensitive information, such as service plans, initiatives, or other competitive strategies.
- Complain about prices charged by your company’s competitors or suppliers.
- Discuss refusing to deal with a company (such as a vendor or supplier) because of its pricing or business practices.
- Discuss current or future capacity for lodging or other services.
- Attend any unofficial or “off the record” sessions or gatherings while attending today’s meeting.
If you have questions regarding any of these guidelines or how they might apply, direct your questions to HSMAI staff or your own internal resources, including legal counsel, either before you arrive or during an HSMAI event.
Updated May 2024
Code of Conduct
HSMAI strives to provide conferences at which all participants feel safe, welcome, respected, and engaged. As a participant you to agree to behave in accordance with professional standards and ethics, your employer’s policies governing workplace behavior, applicable laws, and the HSMAI Code of Conduct.
Harassment will not be tolerated at HSMAI events in any form, including, but not limited to, harassment based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability (mental or physical), race, age, religion, cultural beliefs, or any other status. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, the use of abusive, offensive, or degrading language, intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, sexual imagery, and unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors. Harassment does not need to be sexual in nature and can include offensive remarks. We expect that interactions between attendees be professional, avoiding unwelcome touching, and refraining from comments that could make another uncomfortable.
Any report of harassment to HSMAI, whether in person or virtual, will be addressed immediately. If you are asked to stop any harassing behavior, you agree to comply immediately. If you engage in harassing or offensive behavior, HSMAI may take any action it deems appropriate including notifying authorities, expulsion from the conference with no refund, and exclusion from future events.
HSMAI encourages attendees, staff, and others to speak out against harassment in real time as their comfort level allows.